Monday, February 15, 2010

Key Provisions of the Patriot Act

Section 201 -- Gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire,spoken and electronic communications relating to terrorism.

Section 202 -- Gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire,spoken and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuses offenses.

Section 203(b) -- Permits the sharing of grand jury information that involves foreign intelligence or counterintelligence with federal law enforcement, intelligence, protective, immigration, national defense or natural security officials.

Section(d) -- Gives foreign intelligence or counterintelligence officers the ability to share foreign intelligence information obtained as part of criminal investigation with law enforcement.

Section 204 -- Makes clear with nothing in the law regarding pen registers -- an electronic device
which records all numbers dialed from a particular phone line -- stops the government's ability to obtained foreign intelligence information.

Section 206 -- Allows federal officials issue roving "John Doe" wiretaps ,which allow investigators to listen in on any telephone and tap any computer they think a suspected spy or terrorist night use.

Section 207 -- Increases the amount of time that federal officials may watch people they suspect are spies or terrorists.

Section 209 -- Permits the seizure of voice mail messages under a warrant.

Section 212 -- Permits Internet service providers and other electronic communication and remote computing service providers to hand over records and e-mails to federal officials emergency situations.

Section 214 -- Allows use of a pen register or trap and trace devices that record originating phone numbers of all incoming calls in international terrorism or spy investigations.

Section 215 -- Authorizes federal officials to obtain "tangible items" like business records, including those from libraries and bookstores, for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations.

Section 217 -- Makes it lawful to intercept the wire or electronic communication of a computer hacker or intruder in certain circumstances.

Section 218 -- Allows federal to officials to wiretap or watch suspect if foreign intelligence gathering is a "significant purpose" for seeking a federal Intelligence Surveillance Act order.

Section 220 -- Provides for nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence.

Section 223 -- Amends the federal criminal code to provide for administrative discipline of federal officer or employees who violate prohibitions against unauthorized disclosure of information gathered under this act.

Section 225 -- Amends FISA to prohibit lawsuits against people or companies that provide information to federal officials for a terrorism investigation.\

Monday, January 25, 2010


Free market versus consumer protection approaches

Approaches to privacy can, broadly, be divided into two categories: free market, and consumer protection.In a free market approach, commercial entities are largely allowed to do what they wish, with the expectation that consumers will choose to do business with corporations that respect their privacy to a desired degree. If some companies are not sufficiently respectful of privacy, they will lose market share. Such an approach may be limited by lack of competition in a market, by enterprises not offering privacy options favorable to the user, or by lack of information about actual privacy practices. Claims of privacy protection made by companies may be difficult for consumers to verify, except when they have already been violated.

Privacy Law


Privacy law is the area of law concerning the protecting and preserving of privacy rights of individuals. While there is no universally accepted privacy law among all countries, some organizations promote certain concepts be enforced by individual countries. For example, the

In the United Kingdom, it is not possible to bring an action for invasion of privacy. An action may be brought under another tort (usually breach of confidence) and privacy must then be considered under EC law. In the UK, it is sometimes a defense that disclosure of private information was in the public interest.


Computer Security Ethics and Privacy

Today, many people rely on computers to do homework, work, and create or store useful information. Therefore, it's important for the information to be stored and kept properly. It's also extremely important to protect computers from data loss, misuse and abuse. For example, businesses need to keep their information secure and shielded from hackers. Home users also need to ensure their credit card numbers are secure when participating in online transactions. A computer security risk is any action that could cause loss of information to software, data, processing incompatibilities or damage to computer hardware.

An intentional breach in computer security is known as a computer crime, which is slightly different from a cybercrimes. A cybercrime is known as illegal acts based on the Internet and is one of the FBI's top priorities. There are several distinct categories for people that perpetrate cybercrimes, and they are: hacker, cracker, cyberterrorist, cyberextortionist, unethical employee, script kiddie and corporate spy. A hacker is defined as someone who accesses a computer or computer network unlawfully. They often claim that they do this to find leaks in the security of a network.

The term cracker refers to someone intentionally accessing a computer or computer network with malice in mind. They access computers with the intention of destroying or stealing information. Both crackers and hackers are have advanced network skills.

A cyberterrorist is someone who uses a computer network or the internet to destroy computer systems for political reasons. It’s similar to a terrorist attack because it requires highly skilled individuals, millions of dollars to implement and years of planning.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Who are computer criminals and their object?

Some computer criminals are mean and sinister type.But many more wear suits,have university degrees,and appear to be pillars of their communities.
No single profile captures the characteristics of a "typical" computer criminal,and many who fit the profile are criminals at all.


takes place before the security community or software developer knows about a vulnerability or has been able to repair it.

What would you do?

1.You have just been hired as an IT security consultant to fix the "security problem" at a manufacturing company has been hacked mercilessly over the last six months with three of the attacks making headlines for the negative impact they have in the firm and its costumers.You haven given 90 days and a budget of 1 billion.Where would you take to fix the problem?

2.You friend just told you that he is developing a worm to attack the administrative system at your college the worm is harmless @ will simply cause a message "Let's Party" to be displayed.